Code | Inf_S1_EN |
Organizational unit | Faculty of Computer Science |
Field of studies | Computer Science |
Form of studies | stationary |
Level of education | first cycle |
Educational profile | academic |
Language(s) of instruction | English |
Duration | 3 years |
Recruitment committee address | ul. K. Ciołkowskiego 1M, 15-245 Białystok pokój 2005, telefon: 85 738 8280, 85 738 8282, e-mail: |
Office opening hours | 10.00-13.00 |
WWW address | |
Required document | |
Ask a question |
The field of study is payable to all students.
The tuition fee can be found on the following website:
Our first-degree full-time Computer Science programme lasts 3 years (VI semesters). Graduates receive a bachelor's degree (licencjat in Polish) after completion of a diploma thesis and a succesfull diploma defence. During the course of study, students can earn a maximum of 182 ECTS credit points (European Credit Transfer System). Starting from the 4-th semester students are required to choose 6 elective courses in addition to the standard programme curriculum.
In the second year, within the framework of a 120-hour internship (in selected IT companies or IT departments of other institutions such as public administration) students learn about the role and goals of IT in a company, the structure and organization of IT units, as well as the rules of teamwork.
One of the main objectives of the programme is to educate qualified graduates who are able to skillfully adjust to the changing needs of the job market. Studying for the first-degree is also the time when students discovers their own predispositions and decide about their academic and professional future. Students may subsequently decide to apply for the master's degree studies.
Obligatory courses offered in the study program:
IStructural Programming, Python Programming, Object-Oriented Programming, Advanced Programming, Databases, Internet Programming, Algorithms and Data Structures, Software Engineering, Graphics and Human-Computer Communication, Graphical User Interface Programming, Computer System Architecture, Operating Systems, Network Technologies, Computational Methods, Team Project, Intellectual Property Rights, Probability Methods And Statistics, Computer and Information Ethics, Artificial Intelligence, Parallel and Distributed Programming, The Theory of Automata and Formal Languages - Selected Issues, Discrete Mathematics, Review of Mathematics, Mathematical Analysis, Differential and Difference Methods, Linear Algebra with Analytical Geometry, Logic and Set Theory, Seminar, Health, Safety and Ergonomics, Foreign Language, Professional Practice, Physical Education.
Some elective courses:
.Net Programming, Medical Informatics, Computer Modeling and Simulation Methods, Design Patterns, Computer Methods In Technology, Optimization Methods.
More information:
Graduate profile:
Graduates of the first-degree programme are expected to be qualified to create and verify components of information technology (IT) systems according to their specification, administer medium-sized IT systems as well use various IT tools in practice. They are expected to know many programming methods (imperative, object-oriented, event-driven, parallel, distributed, low-level), programming environments and technologies (GUI and Internet programming), operating systems, computer networks and database systems to be able to actively participate in the realization of IT projects in accordance with software engineering methodology and the rules of teamwork. They are also expected to have a good theoretical computer science background.
Graduates are expected to find employment as software engineers, programmers, consultants and administrators of IT systems, or network and data security specialists in all sorts of IT companies, IT departments of public administration or local government institutions, as well as to run their own businesses in IT and related fields.
Our graduates can apply for admission to the second-degree Computer Science programme either at University of Bialystok, or other leading national and foreign universities.
Academic vocational degree: bachelor’s degree
Admission rules
Subject to be taken into account in the admission procedure:
- physics, physics and astronomy, computer science, mathematics.
Admission procedure for candidates with new maturity exam
- The basis for recruitment is the result of the maturity examination in one subject of choice from the following: physics, physics and astronomy, computer science, mathematics - basic or extended level.
Conversion of points
- Recruitment of candidates with a maturity diploma obtained under the new maturity examination system takes place according to the following rules:
- the numerical value of the result of the final examination expressed as a percentage shall be taken as the basis for calculating the number of points obtained in the admission procedure (1% = 1 points),
- the test result obtained at the basic level is multiplied by a factor of 0.65,
- the test result obtained at the extended level is multiplied by a factor of 1.0,
- the candidate’s exam result obtained at the level of bilingual classes is multiplied by a factor of 1.3, provided that if the result obtained after applying the coefficient exceeds the number 100, it is assumed that the candidate has obtained 100 points.
Admission procedure for candidates with old maturity exam
- Recruitment is based on the result of a secondary school leaving examination in one subject of choice from the following: physics, computer science, mathematics.
Conversion of points
- Recruitment of candidates with a maturity certificate obtained in the old maturity examination system is carried out in accordance with the principle that the assessment from the maturity exam subjects taken into account for admission are converted into points in the admission procedure as follows:
6,0 - 90 pts
5,0 - 75 pts
4,0 - 55 pts
3,0 - 40 pts
2,0 - 20 pts
on a 4-point scale:
5,0 - 80 pts
4,0 - 60 pts
3,0 - 40 pts
Admission procedure for candidates with European Baccalaureate (EB)
- Recruitment is based on the result of the baccalaureate exam in one subject of choice from the following: physics, computer science, mathematics - basic or extended level.
Conversion of points
- The maximum number of points available in the admission procedure for one subject passed at advanced and extended level is 100,
- The maximum number of points possible to be obtained in the admission procedure in one subject passed at primary level is 70,
- Grades (points on the EB Diploma) will be converted into points in the admission procedure as follows:
- extended and advanced level: (9.0 - 10) - 100 points, (7.5 - 8.99) - 85 points, (7.0 - 7.49) - 70 points, (6.0 - 6.99) - 55 points, (5.0 - 5.99) - 45 points, (0 - 4.99) - 0 points,
- basic level: (9.0 - 10) - 70 points, (7.5 - 8.99) - 60 points, (7.0 - 7.49) - 50 points, (6.0 - 6.99) - 40 points, (5.0 - 5.99) - 30 points, (0 - 4.99) - 0 points,
- Gor Polish and foreign languages, the basic level is considered to be L1, L4, L5, the extended level is considered to be L1+3, L2 and L3, and the advanced level is considered to be L2+3,
- For other subjects, 2 and 3 (number of hours per week) are considered as basic level, 4 and 5 as extended level and 5+3 as advanced level.
Admission procedure for candidates with International Baccalaureate (IB)
- Recruitment is based on the result of the baccalaureate exam in one subject of choice from the following: physics, computer science, mathematics - standard level (SL) or higher level (HL).
Conversion of points
- The maximum number of points possible in the admission procedure for one subject passed at higher level (HL) is 100,
- The maximum number of points available in the admission procedure for one subject passed at the standard level (SL) is 65,
- Grades (points on the IB Diploma) will be converted into points in the admission procedure as follows:
- higher level (HL): 7 - 100 pts, 6 - 85 pts, 5 - 70 pts, 4 - 55 pts, 3 - 45 pts, 2 - 30 pts, 1 - 15 pts,
- basic (standard) level (SL): 7 - 65 pts, 6 - 60 pts, 5 - 50 pts, 4 - 40 pts, 3 - 30 pts, 2 - 20 pts, 1 - 0 pts,
- In the case of foreign languages, the standard level – SL is the level Ab initio, and the level B SL, and the level higher – HL is the level: A1 (SL or HL), A2 (SL or HL) and B HL.
Admission procedure for candidates with foreign diplomas
- Recruitment is based on a result/assessment in one subject of choice from the following: physics, computer science, mathematics.
Conversion of points
- The number of points obtained by a foreigner in the admission procedure shall be calculated according to the rules set out respectively in Resolution No. 3072 of the Senate of the University of Białystok of 29 June 2022on the conditions and procedure of recruitment conducted electronically for long-cycle, first-cycle, and second-degree programmes - annex 5 and 6.
- If the number of points obtained in the recruitment procedure cannot be determined on the basis of a document obtained abroad, entitling to undertake studies, the basis for recruitment is a preliminary written or oral examination or an interview in accordance with the provisions of the detailed recruitment rules set out in the Annexes to the resolution.
- a personal questionnaire (downloaded from the IRK),
- an application form for a student ID (downloaded from the IRK),
- a secondary school graduation certificate or a higher education diploma (together with apostille/legalised and their translation),
- an ID (e.g. passport or residence permit) – to present during an inspection,
- document confirming the knowledge of a English language at least at B1 level confirmed by a certificate, a diploma of graduation or a confirmation from the university obtained during the recruitment process that the candidate's knowledge of a foreign language is sufficient for them to study in that language;
- Candidates are exempted from having to produce the document when:
- the foreign language was the language of instruction at the secondary school or completed university programme,
- the foreign language is their mother tongue,
- the candidate passed the maturity exam in a foreign language at extended level with a minimum of 80% score,
- the candidate passed a foreign language examination at B1 level during their studies and this is shown in the diploma supplement,
- a medical certificate stating that there are no contraindications to study in fields where students are exposed to harmful, strenuous or hazardous factors to health,
- evidence of possession:
- a health insurance policy for a given academic year of education in Poland, or
- The European Health Insurance Card, or
- public health insurance, or
- confirmation of the insurer's coverage of the costs of treatment on the territory of the Republic of Poland for a minimum amount of €30,000,
and in the absence of the documents referred to in points 1-4, he/she will declare that a copy will be provided before the first class begins,
- consent of parents or legal guardians to take up studies in the case of minors.
If the candidate's documents are submitted by a third party, he/she should present a power of attorney to submit the documents and his/her own identity document and a copy of the candidate's identity card for inspection.
Tuition fee
II year/ 39 000 PLN
III year/ 46 200 PLN
Total: 111 200 PLN
Additional information
Contact information:
University of Bialystok
Phone: +48 85 745 70 53
+48 85 745 70 80
Admission rules
Subject to be taken into account in the admission procedure:
- physics, physics and astronomy, computer science, mathematics.
Admission procedure for candidates with new maturity exam
- The basis for recruitment is the result of the maturity examination in one subject of choice from the following: physics, physics and astronomy, computer science, mathematics - basic or extended level.
Conversion of points
- Recruitment of candidates with a maturity diploma obtained under the new maturity examination system takes place according to the following rules:
- the numerical value of the result of the final examination expressed as a percentage shall be taken as the basis for calculating the number of points obtained in the admission procedure (1% = 1 points),
- the test result obtained at the basic level is multiplied by a factor of 0.65,
- the test result obtained at the extended level is multiplied by a factor of 1.0,
- the candidate’s exam result obtained at the level of bilingual classes is multiplied by a factor of 1.3, provided that if the result obtained after applying the coefficient exceeds the number 100, it is assumed that the candidate has obtained 100 points.
Admission procedure for candidates with old maturity exam
- Recruitment is based on the result of a secondary school leaving examination in one subject of choice from the following: physics, computer science, mathematics.
Conversion of points
- Recruitment of candidates with a maturity certificate obtained in the old maturity examination system is carried out in accordance with the principle that the assessment from the maturity exam subjects taken into account for admission are converted into points in the admission procedure as follows:
6,0 - 90 pts
5,0 - 75 pts
4,0 - 55 pts
3,0 - 40 pts
2,0 - 20 pts
on a 4-point scale:
5,0 - 80 pts
4,0 - 60 pts
3,0 - 40 pts
Admission procedure for candidates with European Baccalaureate (EB)
- Recruitment is based on the result of the baccalaureate exam in one subject of choice from the following: physics, computer science, mathematics - basic or extended level.
Conversion of points
- The maximum number of points available in the admission procedure for one subject passed at advanced and extended level is 100,
- The maximum number of points possible to be obtained in the admission procedure in one subject passed at primary level is 70,
- Grades (points on the EB Diploma) will be converted into points in the admission procedure as follows:
- extended and advanced level: (9.0 - 10) - 100 points, (7.5 - 8.99) - 85 points, (7.0 - 7.49) - 70 points, (6.0 - 6.99) - 55 points, (5.0 - 5.99) - 45 points, (0 - 4.99) - 0 points,
- basic level: (9.0 - 10) - 70 points, (7.5 - 8.99) - 60 points, (7.0 - 7.49) - 50 points, (6.0 - 6.99) - 40 points, (5.0 - 5.99) - 30 points, (0 - 4.99) - 0 points,
- Gor Polish and foreign languages, the basic level is considered to be L1, L4, L5, the extended level is considered to be L1+3, L2 and L3, and the advanced level is considered to be L2+3,
- For other subjects, 2 and 3 (number of hours per week) are considered as basic level, 4 and 5 as extended level and 5+3 as advanced level.
Admission procedure for candidates with International Baccalaureate (IB)
- Recruitment is based on the result of the baccalaureate exam in one subject of choice from the following: physics, computer science, mathematics - standard level (SL) or higher level (HL).
Conversion of points
- The maximum number of points possible in the admission procedure for one subject passed at higher level (HL) is 100,
- The maximum number of points available in the admission procedure for one subject passed at the standard level (SL) is 65,
- Grades (points on the IB Diploma) will be converted into points in the admission procedure as follows:
- higher level (HL): 7 - 100 pts, 6 - 85 pts, 5 - 70 pts, 4 - 55 pts, 3 - 45 pts, 2 - 30 pts, 1 - 15 pts,
- basic (standard) level (SL): 7 - 65 pts, 6 - 60 pts, 5 - 50 pts, 4 - 40 pts, 3 - 30 pts, 2 - 20 pts, 1 - 0 pts,
- In the case of foreign languages, the standard level – SL is the level Ab initio, and the level B SL, and the level higher – HL is the level: A1 (SL or HL), A2 (SL or HL) and B HL.
Admission procedure for candidates with foreign diplomas
- Recruitment is based on a result/assessment in one subject of choice from the following: physics, computer science, mathematics.
Conversion of points
- The number of points obtained by a foreigner in the admission procedure shall be calculated according to the rules set out respectively in Resolution No. 3072 of the Senate of the University of Białystok of 29 June 2022on the conditions and procedure of recruitment conducted electronically for long-cycle, first-cycle, and second-degree programmes - annex 5 and 6.
- If the number of points obtained in the recruitment procedure cannot be determined on the basis of a document obtained abroad, entitling to undertake studies, the basis for recruitment is a preliminary written or oral examination or an interview in accordance with the provisions of the detailed recruitment rules set out in the Annexes to the resolution.
- a personal questionnaire (downloaded from the IRK),
- an application form for a student ID (downloaded from the IRK),
- a secondary school graduation certificate or a higher education diploma (together with apostille/legalised and their translation),
- an ID (e.g. passport or residence permit) – to present during an inspection,
- document confirming the knowledge of a English language at least at B1 level confirmed by a certificate, a diploma of graduation or a confirmation from the university obtained during the recruitment process that the candidate's knowledge of a foreign language is sufficient for them to study in that language;
- Candidates are exempted from having to produce the document when:
- the foreign language was the language of instruction at the secondary school or completed university programme,
- the foreign language is their mother tongue,
- the candidate passed the maturity exam in a foreign language at extended level with a minimum of 80% score,
- the candidate passed a foreign language examination at B1 level during their studies and this is shown in the diploma supplement,
- a medical certificate stating that there are no contraindications to study in fields where students are exposed to harmful, strenuous or hazardous factors to health,
- evidence of possession:
- a health insurance policy for a given academic year of education in Poland, or
- The European Health Insurance Card, or
- public health insurance, or
- confirmation of the insurer's coverage of the costs of treatment on the territory of the Republic of Poland for a minimum amount of €30,000,
and in the absence of the documents referred to in points 1-4, he/she will declare that a copy will be provided before the first class begins,
- consent of parents or legal guardians to take up studies in the case of minors.
If the candidate's documents are submitted by a third party, he/she should present a power of attorney to submit the documents and his/her own identity document and a copy of the candidate's identity card for inspection.